Friday 31 March 2023

Friday fun with ChatGPT - A series of Hello World in less than 40 minutes

I'm still early in my journey of experimenting with ChatGPT - and every time I interact with it, the more I'm blown away.  This "simple" animation is the result of spending just under 40 minutes, exploring the code generation powers of this machine. Whilst I did not reach the end result I was looking for, the machine gets pretty damn close, close enough for a developer to take the code and tweak it...

The implications of this tool are just mind boggling. 

Here's a transcript of my interactions:

Alright, do you have the ability to write code?
write me a simple hello world that I can run from a browser
can you repeat that using javascript?
can you work on simplifying using the least amount of html and more javascript?
can you add an animation so that the text "hello world" moves from left to right like a ticker stream?
can you enhance the animation so that the ticker moves clockwise around a square block contained to a width of 500 pixels and height of 500 pixels?
Wow, I am amazed. Thank you for giving me a daily dose of your awesome utility!
let's take it next level
add a second hello world to the animation, but this time the second text should be revolving anticlockwise, with the two revolutions happening as concentric circles
okay that is close enough. Add another hello world text in blue, that moves vertically up and down, centered to the two circles
unbelievable! Okay, time for next level
Add an animation, starting at the bottom left corner of the square, of a rocket emoji with the text "ChatGPT rocks!", that moves around the square, completing one revolution anti-clockwise and then another revolution clockwise, all around the edges of the square border. The text should be bold.
sorry, you got that wrong. You've lost all the previous animations of hello world texts, please try again. Also make the "ChatGPT rocks!" text smaller.
still wrong. get me back to the code that showed the previous animations before the rocket ask
okay, it seems you're not good at remembering context. You've lost all the previous context that created the square block and showed the circular and vertical animations.
nope still wrong
I need to add one more animation to the code, which is the rocket ship. Do you remember my ask? Please repeat to me so I can examine if you've understood my request correctly.
Yes, you asked to add an animation of a rocket emoji with the text "ChatGPT rocks!", that moves around the square, completing one revolution anti-clockwise and then another revolution clockwise, all around the edges of the square border. The text should be smaller and bold.
Yes, do you want to give it one more try? Please don't lose the previous code. Build upon it.
ok, that's close enough for today. I need to spend more time with you, clearly.
Hello, World!
Hello, World!
Hello, World!
🚀 ChatGPT rocks!

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