Tuesday 19 December 2023

My RAGE model compared to The Wheel of Life


[I asked ChatGPT to report on the differences between Meyer's Wheel of Life and Mo Khan's RAGE]

Comparative Report: Meyer's Wheel of Life vs. Mo Khan's RAGE Model

Comparative Report: Meyer's Wheel of Life vs. Mo Khan's RAGE Model


This report provides a comparative analysis of two influential personal development tools: Meyer's Wheel of Life and Mo Khan's RAGE Model. Both models are designed to enhance self-awareness and personal growth, yet they differ significantly in their approach and methodology.

Meyer's Wheel of Life

  • Overview: The Wheel of Life is a holistic self-assessment tool designed by Paul J. Meyer, a pioneer in the field of motivational thinking and self-improvement.
  • Components: It typically includes segments such as Career, Personal Growth, Health, Family & Friends, Finances, Spirituality, Recreation, and Physical Environment.
  • Function: Users rate their satisfaction in each area, visually representing life balance and identifying areas for improvement.
  • Application: Widely used in coaching and self-help, it guides personal development and goal setting.
  • Learn More: Success Motivation Institute

Mo Khan's RAGE Model

  • Overview: The RAGE Model, an acronym for Reality, Aspirations, Goals, Expectations, is a framework for personal development conceptualized by Mo Khan.
  • Components: It involves introspection across various life 'personas', assessing the current reality, setting aspirations, establishing goals, and managing expectations for each persona.
  • Function: The model uses agile management techniques and a detailed scoring system for prioritization and tracking progress.
  • Application: Khan’s approach is detailed and systematic, suitable for those who prefer an analytical approach to personal development.
  • Learn More: Mo Khan’s Blog


  1. Holistic Approach: Both models provide a comprehensive view of personal life, emphasizing multiple areas or aspects.
  2. Self-Reflection: They encourage self-assessment as a means of identifying areas of focus.
  3. Goal-Oriented: Each model promotes setting and pursuing personal goals.
  4. Personal Development: They are tools for enhancing self-awareness and guiding growth.


  1. Complexity: The Wheel of Life is simpler and more visual, while the RAGE Model is more complex and analytical.
  2. Approach: Meyer’s model is qualitative, focusing on self-rated satisfaction, whereas Khan’s model is quantitative, employing a scoring system.
  3. Focus Areas: The Wheel of Life has predefined life segments; the RAGE Model allows for personalized 'personas'.
  4. Tracking: The RAGE Model includes rigorous tracking mechanisms, unlike the Wheel of Life.
  5. Background: Meyer's model stems from motivational training, while Khan’s is influenced by agile product management.


Meyer's Wheel of Life and Mo Khan's RAGE Model, while sharing the goal of fostering personal growth, differ in structure, complexity, and application. The Wheel of Life is a straightforward tool for periodic self-assessment, ideal for a broad audience. In contrast, the RAGE Model offers a detailed framework for systematically setting, prioritizing, and tracking personal development goals, appealing to those who prefer a more structured approach. Both models provide valuable insights into personal development, and the choice between them depends on individual preferences and the desired level of detail and structure in personal growth planning.

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