Thursday 15 August 2019

Whiners never win

Whiners never win!
What simple yet powerful, three words? 
These are words my electrical engineering professor used on me back in my second year, when I challenged my paper being wrongly graded.  I remember waiting a long time at his office just to see him, the prof just gave me one minute "Mr. Khan, here's some advice for the rest of your life - whiners never win". That was it, and then he left, my paper unchanged.

This stuck with me as I completed my degree, started my first job, took a chance one year after graduating by emigrating to two countries, marriage, parenthood, etc. I keep coming back to this simple message "whiners never win" and so just get on with life or work...

Yet, coming back to South Africa, now 8 years and counting, I was surprised to learn how much whining happens in the workplace! It is emotionally draining. Almost everyone has a complaint, not happy with this or that, unable to separate personal emotions from being professional at the workplace. Just a whole lot of whining going on. I wonder if it's just the context of the nation, just whining, starting with the commute into work listening to radio stations (like 702) which I've stopped completely. I actually don't listen to such news anymore, it starts the day of on the wrong note, stepping into the office with negativity and stress. Don't forget the stress of driving on SA roads...

I was also surprised how people tend to bring their home issues into workplace as well, affecting how they show up, perform, etc. My mindfulness, listening and empathy skills have seen an accelerated growth since 2011...

Still, eight years on, I still see it a lot of whining in the workplace...come on folks, stop whining. 

Whining never wins. 

Bring your best self to work, show up and get through the struggle...

Stop whining. "Whining never wins"...

Don't get me wrong, I've got loads of empathy...but at some point, people need to step up and just stop whining as whiners never win!

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