Saturday 14 September 2024

How I used ChatGPT o1-preview to build a rough interactive software engineering resource forecasting model

Seed Prompt for tool (click here to play with it): I am a software engineering manager. A large part of my job is understanding the engineering resource utilization for my engineering team. I manage multiple engineering teams of varying sizes from 5 people to 20 people in a team. When estimating software projects, understanding availability of productive engineers is important for planning purposes. Help me build an interactive resource forecasting tool, that can be fully self-contained within browser app, embedded in a google blogspot page. The tool must include inputs for: 1\ Funded team size; 2\ Current Available engineers (i.e. actual current size of team). The tool must account for the time it takes for hiring new engineers, ramp-up time, learning, etc. before they can be deemed as productive for committing to project work. The tool must show a table the resource plan over 52 weeks in the year, and include a visual graph to show how the team size grows to meet funded size. Research the best methods in software engineering management, and create the tool that can help software managers have a good model for resource utilization. The tool can store information in the local user browser storage as needed. Remember, I need the full code to be fully self-contained so I can run the tool from within a google blogspot page.

Prompt for this article: Great I think we have good baseline version to start with. Now using your PhD capabilities, write up an accompanying blog post that details the model, the thinking behind it, and call out the limitations using a critical eye, suggesting improvements for the next version.

Prompt for Image using Dall-E: "An isometric illustration of a diverse engineering team collaborating in a modern office space. They are gathered around a large table filled with charts, graphs, and laptops, discussing and planning. Behind them, a wall-sized calendar and a whiteboard display timelines, Gantt charts, and upward-trending graphs. Include elements like gears and clock icons subtly integrated into the design to symbolize engineering and time management. Use a professional, clean art style with vibrant yet muted colors to convey a serious but engaging atmosphere.

Engineering Resource Forecasting: A Comprehensive Model for Team Planning

By ChatGPT o1-Preview (took about 4 hours to get the tool to version 1)

Effective resource planning is crucial for engineering teams aiming to meet project deadlines, optimize productivity, and manage budgets efficiently. The Engineering Resource Forecasting Tool is designed to help managers and team leads forecast their engineering resources over a year, considering various real-world factors such as hiring rates, attrition, ramp-up times, efficiency, leave days, and public holidays.

In this blog post, we'll delve into the model behind the tool, explore the thinking that shaped its development, critically analyze its limitations, and suggest improvements for future iterations.

Understanding the Model

1. Objectives of the Tool

The primary goals of the Engineering Resource Forecasting Tool are to:

  • Forecast Team Size: Predict how the engineering team will grow or shrink over time.
  • Calculate Effective Capacity: Determine the actual productive capacity of the team, considering factors that reduce availability.
  • Assist in Planning: Provide insights for hiring strategies, resource allocation, and project scheduling.

2. Key Components of the Model

The model incorporates several essential elements:

  • Funded Team Size: The maximum number of engineers that the budget allows.
  • Current Available Engineers: The starting point for the forecasting, representing the existing team.
  • Hiring Rate and Time: The rate at which new engineers are hired and the average time it takes for them to join.
  • Ramp-Up Time: The period new hires require to reach full productivity.
  • Attrition Rate: The expected percentage of engineers who will leave the team annually.
  • Efficiency Factor: The proportion of time engineers spend on productive work.
  • Leave Days and Public Holidays: Time when engineers are not available due to vacations and holidays.

3. Model Calculations

a. Effective Engineers

The number of effective engineers is calculated weekly by adjusting the total number of fully ramped-up engineers for efficiency and availability:

Effective Engineers = Total Ramped-Up Engineers × Efficiency Factor × (Weekly Available Days / 5)

b. Weekly Available Days

Engineers aren't available all five working days each week due to leave and public holidays:

Weekly Available Days = 5 - ((Annual Leave Days + Public Holidays) / 52)

c. Attrition Modeling

Attrition reduces the team size over time:

  • Weekly Attrition Rate:

Weekly Attrition Rate = Annual Attrition Rate / 52

  • Cumulative Attrition: The total number of engineers who have left the team up to a given week.

d. Hiring and Ramp-Up Process

  • Hiring Pipeline: Represents engineers who have accepted offers but haven't started yet.
  • Ramping Engineers: New hires who are in the process of ramping up to full productivity.

e. SDE-Weeks and SDE-Days

  • SDE-Weeks: Sum of effective engineer contributions per week within a month.
  • SDE-Days: Sum of effective engineer contributions per day within a month.

These metrics provide a more granular view of the team's productive capacity.

Thinking Behind the Model

1. Realistic Representation

The model aims to mirror real-world scenarios by considering:

  • Time Delays: Hiring and ramp-up times introduce delays between initiating a hire and gaining full productivity.
  • Non-Productive Time: Leave, holidays, and non-productive activities reduce actual working time.
  • Attrition Effects: Engineers may leave the team, impacting capacity and necessitating replacement hires.

2. Balancing Simplicity and Complexity

While the model incorporates multiple factors, it maintains usability by:

  • Using Average Rates: Distributes leave, holidays, and attrition evenly over the year for simplicity.
  • Assuming Linear Processes: Hiring and ramp-up are modeled as linear processes without accounting for fluctuations.

3. Providing Actionable Insights

By visualizing the forecast through charts and tables, the tool helps managers:

  • Identify Hiring Needs: Determine the hiring rate required to meet team size goals.
  • Plan for Attrition: Anticipate capacity reductions due to attrition.
  • Adjust Strategies: Modify inputs to explore different scenarios and their outcomes.

Limitations and Critical Analysis

Despite its usefulness, the model has several limitations:

1. Uniform Distribution Assumptions

  • Leave and Holidays: The model assumes that leave days and public holidays are evenly distributed throughout the year. In reality, leave may cluster around certain periods (e.g., summer vacations, year-end holidays), leading to temporary drops in capacity.
  • Attrition Timing: Attrition is modeled as a steady rate, but actual departures may occur unpredictably and in clusters.

2. Lack of Granular Ramp-Up Modeling

  • Binary Productivity: The model assumes engineers are either ramping up or fully productive after the ramp-up period. It doesn't account for gradual increases in productivity during ramp-up.
  • Individual Variations: All new hires are treated identically in terms of ramp-up time and efficiency, ignoring individual differences.

3. Hiring Constraints and Real-World Challenges

  • Hiring Rate Feasibility: The model calculates the hiring rate needed to meet targets but doesn't consider the practical challenges of achieving that rate, such as market conditions or recruitment resource limitations.
  • Candidate Pipeline Variability: It doesn't account for fluctuations in candidate availability or acceptance rates.

4. Simplified Efficiency Factor

  • Static Efficiency: The efficiency factor is constant over time, not accounting for potential improvements or declines due to training, process changes, or team dynamics.
  • Team Composition: It doesn't differentiate between engineers with different skill levels or specializations.

5. Absence of Project Dependencies

  • No Task Modeling: The model focuses on resource capacity without linking it to specific project tasks or timelines.
  • Overtime and Workload Peaks: It doesn't account for periods when engineers might work overtime or when workload exceeds capacity.

6. Economic and External Factors

  • Budget Changes: The funded team size is assumed constant, ignoring potential budget cuts or increases.
  • External Events: Unforeseen events like economic downturns, pandemics, or natural disasters are not modeled.

Suggestions for Improvement

To enhance the model's accuracy and applicability, future versions could consider:

1. Incorporating Seasonal Variations

  • Variable Leave and Holiday Distribution: Model leave and public holidays based on historical patterns to reflect periods of low and high availability.
  • Attrition Peaks: Adjust attrition rates to account for known periods of higher turnover.

2. Enhanced Ramp-Up Modeling

  • Gradual Productivity Increase: Implement a ramp-up curve where productivity increases incrementally over the ramp-up period.
  • Individualized Ramp-Up: Allow different ramp-up times for different roles or experience levels.

3. Realistic Hiring Constraints

  • Recruitment Capacity Limits: Introduce maximum hiring rates based on recruitment team capacity.
  • Candidate Pipeline Dynamics: Factor in time-to-fill variations, candidate drop-off rates, and competition in the job market.

4. Dynamic Efficiency Factor

  • Efficiency Over Time: Allow the efficiency factor to change over time, reflecting process improvements or team fatigue.
  • Role-Based Efficiency: Differentiate efficiency factors for various roles or seniority levels.

5. Integration with Project Planning

  • Task-Level Planning: Link resource capacity to project tasks and milestones to assess whether capacity meets project demands.
  • Risk Modeling: Incorporate risks and uncertainties that could impact timelines and capacity.

6. Economic Scenario Planning

  • Budget Flexibility: Allow for adjustments in the funded team size based on potential budget changes.
  • External Shocks: Introduce scenarios for external events that could affect hiring, attrition, or productivity.

7. User Input Flexibility

  • Custom Time Frames: Enable users to adjust the time frame of the forecast beyond a single year.
  • Data Import: Allow users to import historical data to better tailor the model to their organization's patterns.


The Engineering Resource Forecasting Tool provides a solid foundation for planning and visualizing engineering team capacity over time. By accounting for critical factors like hiring, ramp-up, attrition, efficiency, leave, and holidays, it offers valuable insights for managers.

However, like any model, it simplifies complex real-world dynamics to remain practical and user-friendly. Recognizing its limitations is essential for interpreting the results accurately and making informed decisions. By incorporating suggested improvements, future versions can offer even more robust and precise forecasting, aiding organizations in navigating the challenges of resource planning.

About the Author

[Your Name] holds a PhD in [Your Field] and has extensive experience in project management, resource planning, and organizational development. Passionate about leveraging data-driven models to solve practical problems, [Your Name] contributes to advancing tools and methodologies that enhance operational efficiency.

Note: The Engineering Resource Forecasting Tool is intended as a planning aid and should be used in conjunction with professional judgment and other planning tools. Always consider your organization's specific circumstances when making staffing decisions.

Sunday 1 September 2024

The Jenga of life

Jenga metaphor #thismightnotwork

It's been ages since I last shared a metaphor on this blog. This one hit me during my morning walk today, 8th August 2024. As I was trudging through the early morning mist, my brain made an odd connection: life is kinda like a game of Jenga.

You know Jenga, right? That game where you're trying to build the tallest tower possible by yanking out blocks and stacking them on top. It's all fun and games until someone knocks the whole thing over. But today, I saw it differently.

The Baseline: Your Value System

Picture this: you start with a perfect Jenga tower. All the blocks neatly stacked, everything solid and stable. That's you. That's your life, your values, everything you stand for. It's rock solid, built on all the principles you've picked up over the years.

The Dangerous Dance of Compromise

Now, here's where it gets interesting. Every time you play Jenga, you're taking a risk, right? You pull out a block, the tower gets taller, but it's wobbling more. In life, it's kinda the same deal:

  • Maybe you tell a little white lie. No big deal, right? But they start to add up...
  • Or you cut corners on a business deal. Just this once, you tell yourself.
  • Perhaps you're racking up some debt. One credit card becomes two, becomes three...
  • Or you let slide something that goes against your values. It's just a small thing, a papercut. But man, those papercuts sting after a while.

Every time you look the other way, every time you compromise, you're pulling out another block. Your tower might be getting taller, but it's getting shakier too.

The Inevitable Collapse

We all know how Jenga ends - with a crash and blocks all over the floor. Real life isn't always that dramatic, but the consequences can be way worse. All those little compromises? They add up:

  • Those white lies might snowball into you being known as "that guy who can't be trusted".
  • That shady business deal? It might come back to bite you in the butt, big time.
  • And that debt? Before you know it, you're drowning in it.
  • As for those "minor" infractions? They chip away at your self-respect, bit by bit.

The Lesson: Handle with Care

So what's the point of all this Jenga talk? It's pretty simple: be careful with your values, folks. Every choice you make, everything you do, it's like moving a block in your personal Jenga tower. Some moves might seem like no big deal at the time, but they all add up to how stable (or unstable) your life is.

This doesn't mean you should never take risks or change your mind about stuff. Heck, growing as a person often means shaking things up a bit. But it does mean being careful about the choices we make and thinking about where they might lead us down the road.

Building a Stable Tower

So, how do we use this Jenga metaphor to build a life that doesn't topple over at the slightest breeze?

  1. Know your foundation: Take some time to think about what really matters to you. What are the blocks at the bottom of your tower?
  2. Think before you pull: Before you do something that goes against your values, ask yourself if it's really worth it. Is that short-term gain worth making your whole tower wobble?
  3. Shore up your base: Work on making your core values stronger. Read books, hang out with people who inspire you, practice what you preach in the little day-to-day stuff.
  4. It's okay to rebuild: If you realize you've compromised too much, don't be afraid to start over. Sometimes you gotta go back to basics to build something that'll last.
  5. Play the long game: Remember, life isn't a race to build the tallest tower as fast as you can. It's about building something that'll stand up to whatever life throws at it.

As we're all fumbling our way through this game called life, let's keep this Jenga thing in mind. Every decision, every compromise, every value we ignore - they're all blocks in our tower. Handle 'em carefully, think about your moves, and try to build a life that stands tall not just in height, but in being rock-solid and true to who you are.

So, what blocks are you moving around in your life's Jenga tower? And the million-dollar question: how stable is your foundation? Something to chew on, isn't it?