Continuing with my psychometrics journey in self-reflection...
In 2011 I decided to leave the UK and relocate back to my home country South Africa, after spending all my professional life overseas, having setup my life and family from scratch, so decided to leave it all behind and start afresh in South Africa. At the time, I was experimenting with other job applications in the UK, but my heart had already decided to move back to SA and give that a chance.
At the time, I was engaging with a company called Multichoice, the technology providers behind DStv PayTV service in South Africa & rest of Africa. I had interviewed for a Scrum Master role (anything to get my foot through the door really, it turned out in the end that an entirely new position was created for me since I was considered too experienced for the Scrum Master role), passed the interview rounds, then had to undergo a battery of psychometric testing before final decisions were made.
Truth be told, I was rather impatient to get through the exercise. The first appointment was a mess, I had to travel to London in the early morning, pitched up at the appointed place - only to find out the building on that day, was under construction and couldn't be used. I was a little annoyed by the organiser to say the least, we went from one hotel to another, looking for a suitable quiet space, in the end decided to reschedule. So a wasted trip - not a good first impression on the company's part.
The second trip was scheduled for a few weeks later, it was cold and miserable - I had to drive for about an hour, on a weekend... Apparently, these EQ tests must be done first thing in the morning, when your mind is fresh, etc. Seeing this was my second trip, I rushed through the tests, just wishing to get through it as quickly as possible (at the time I wasn't too convinced about the need for these psychometric profiling, my track record along with my network of contacts, testimonials - should speaks for itself, so I thought) - and what would usually take four hours to complete, I completed in under two hours, didn't go back and double-check my work, and left (requirement ticked)...
In this post, I share the results of the EQi BarOn Emotional Quotient Inventory report, that I believe was hosted by this company.
I sometimes wonder how the report would have panned out had I went into the session with full body, mind & soul, fully supportive of the psychometrics instead of seeing the testing as somewhat of an HR irritation (I was under a lot of stress at the time, leaving a well-earned dream techie software labs job, having built-up-a-life-and-family-in-UK, I used to be the one that said "I'll never return back to SA" and here I was actually applying for a job in SA!)...
My EQi Development Report (Weighted against South African Profiles)...
Profile Summary
Total EQ: 118
The Total EQ for Muhammad indicates an individual who overall feels good about himself and others and who is leading a successful life. Individuals like Muhammad who are at the upper end of the scale for Total EQ scale are generally optimistic about dealing with problems and have a positive outlook on life. Muhammad successfully controls his emotions and typically is not impulsive. He is probably realistic, assertive, and at least fairly successful in solving problems. He is likely to be optimistic and have a positive outlook on life. Muhammad's Emotional Intelligence will help optimize his achievements and success. A more detailed description of the EQ-i components is given in the next section.
The Overall EQ-i results indicate well-developed Emotional Intelligence. One or two subscales stand out as particularly high relative to the others. These components contribute the most to his Emotional Intelligence.
The highest subscales are Flexibility (127), Independence (120), Empathy (120).
Intrapersonal: 112
This component of the Total EQ-i score pertains to the assessment of the inner self. The subcomponents of the Intrapersonal EQ scale include Self-Regard, Emotional Self-Awareness, Assertiveness, Independence, and Self-Actualization.
Muhammad's intrapersonal score is substantially higher than average. High scores are indicative of an individual who is in touch with his feelings, feels good about himself and about life in general. High scores on the intrapersonal scale are usually obtained by individuals who are independent, strong-minded, and able to express and convey feelings and ideas with confidence.
The responses indicate reasonable self-regard and an adequate degree of self-respect and self-confidence. His ideas and attitudes will be presented with confidence most of the time.
Emotional Self-Awareness: 98
The responses indicate that, at times, Muhammad is in touch with his feelings while at other times he probably grapples with understanding and expressing his feelings. Although emotional self-awareness skill is likely adequate, improvement in this facet of Emotional Intelligence may prove to be beneficial.
Assertiveness: 114
The responses indicate that, most of the time, Muhammad is effectively able to assert his feelings and defend his rights. This individual is rarely self-conscious, and will voice his beliefs and opinions even though he may sometimes find it difficult to do so.
The responses indicate an individual who is independent in his thinking and who also has a strong preference to act independently. This type of person may ask others for advice, but rarely depends upon others to make important decisions on his behalf. This individual likely prefers to be in charge rather than being under the supervision of someone else.
Muhammad is achieving, or coming close to achieving, his full potential in most aspects of his life. This individual is probably deriving a great deal of enjoyment from life and is involved in pursuits that are
meaningful, interesting, and exciting for him. As a result, Muhammad is likely energetic, highly motivated, and successful. Hewill strive to optimize performance.
This component of the Total EQ-i scale taps interpersonal capacity and functioning. The subcomponents of the Interpersonal scale include Empathy, Social Responsibility, and Interpersonal Relationship.
Overall, the Interpersonal scale results indicate social adeptness, the ability to understand others, as well as the ability to interact and relate well with people. Typically, Muhammad is responsible and dependable, and Muhammad functions well in tasks involving making contact with others and teamwork:
Empathy: 120
The responses indicate an individual with a good awareness, understanding,and appreciation of the feelings of others. Muhammad probably will go out of his way to help others, and will try to avoid hurting other people's feelings.
Social Responsibility: 116
The responses pertaining to the Social Responsibility scale indicate an individual who is cooperative and constructive. Muhammad is probably quite responsible and dependable. He will be helpful when interacting with others and will try to contribute to the "community at large" (society, the corporation, team, etc.).
Interpersonal Relationship: 105
The results suggest that Muhammad has above average interpersonal skills. Most relationships for this person are mutually satisfying most of the time, and involve the proper amount of intimacy and the appropriate giving and receiving of affection. Muhammad is able to form agreeable relationships and alliances. This ability supports effective communication and the mutually beneficial exchanges of ideas, feelings, and information.
Stress Management: 114
The Stress Management component of the EQ-i consists of the Stress Tolerance and Impulse Control Subscales.
Both components of this composite scale are above average indicating a calm disposition, lack of impulsivity, and the ability to withstand stress.
Stress Tolerance: 117
The results of the Stress Tolerance scale indicate an enhanced ability to withstand adverse events and stressfulsituations. Muhammad is generally able to cope with stress actively and effectively. This type of person is generally calm and rarely gets over1y anxious or agitated.
Impulse Control: 107
Muhammad's ability to resist or delay impulses, drives, and temptations to act is slightly higher than average. He rarely feels impatient and rarely overreacts or loses control.
Adaptability: 124
This part of the EQ-i is composed of the Reality Testing, Flexibility, and Problem Solving Scales and examines how successful one is in coping with environmental demands based on one's ability to effectively size up and deal with problematic situations.
The results in this area indicate an individual who is very flexible and able to adapt to changing circumstances and situations. He is practical, realistic, and does not over-indulge in fantasy. Muhammad understands problematic situations and can usually come up with effective solutions. Not only is this a valuable personal attribute for home and family life, but those with enhanced adaptability thrive in work settings that require someone who is "down-to-earth," clear thinking, and adapts easily to changing demands and priorities.
Reality Testing: 114
The results for this subscale indicate an individual who is able to evaluate the correspondence between what he experiences (the subjective) and what in reality exists (the objective). Muhammad can be described as realistic, well grounded, and "tuned in" to what's going on around him.
Flexibility: 127
The results indicate enhanced flexibility and an extremely well-developed ability to adjust emotions, thoughts, and behaviour to changing situations and conditions. Muhammad usually finds it fairly easy to learn new things, doesn't become too fixed into routines, and remains open-minded to differing opinions and ways of thinking.
Problem Solving: 114
The responses to the Problem Solving scale reflect an effective approach to resolving problems. Muhammad has a very deliberating style, and is good at defining problems as well as generating and implementing potentially effective solutions. The responses indicate a very methodical individual.
General Mood: 99
The subcomponents of this composite scale consist of the Optimism and Happiness subscales. These components of the EQ-i measure one's general feeling of contentment and overall outlook on life. High scores on these components indicate a positive outlook that can help bolster oneself and those around. Both components of the General Mood scale are about average or higher, and descriptions of these components are given below.
Optimism: 104
The results indicate an above average degree of optimism suggesting an individual who is usually able to look at the brighter side of life and maintain a positive attitude. This characteristic is usually helpful in handling difficult or stressful situations.
Happiness: 97
Muhammad's level of satisfaction and overall attitude is similar to most others in the population. He will adequately help create and/or maintain a positive atmosphere in most interactions.
Interpretation Guide for EQ-i Composite and Content Subscale Scores
The above sections describes the meaning of scores for the Total EQi scale and each of the EQ-i content scales. In general, high results identify areas of relative strength. Results in the midrange on these scales indicate satisfactory functioning and are obtained by the majority of those in the population who have taken the EQ-i. Low results indicate areas that need to be improved in order to increase overall emotional and social intelligence. If all the results are high or all results are low, it is useful to identify the scales with the highest and lowest results; this will help pinpoint areas of relative strength or weakness.
Total EQ: 118
In 2011 I decided to leave the UK and relocate back to my home country South Africa, after spending all my professional life overseas, having setup my life and family from scratch, so decided to leave it all behind and start afresh in South Africa. At the time, I was experimenting with other job applications in the UK, but my heart had already decided to move back to SA and give that a chance.
At the time, I was engaging with a company called Multichoice, the technology providers behind DStv PayTV service in South Africa & rest of Africa. I had interviewed for a Scrum Master role (anything to get my foot through the door really, it turned out in the end that an entirely new position was created for me since I was considered too experienced for the Scrum Master role), passed the interview rounds, then had to undergo a battery of psychometric testing before final decisions were made.
Truth be told, I was rather impatient to get through the exercise. The first appointment was a mess, I had to travel to London in the early morning, pitched up at the appointed place - only to find out the building on that day, was under construction and couldn't be used. I was a little annoyed by the organiser to say the least, we went from one hotel to another, looking for a suitable quiet space, in the end decided to reschedule. So a wasted trip - not a good first impression on the company's part.
The second trip was scheduled for a few weeks later, it was cold and miserable - I had to drive for about an hour, on a weekend... Apparently, these EQ tests must be done first thing in the morning, when your mind is fresh, etc. Seeing this was my second trip, I rushed through the tests, just wishing to get through it as quickly as possible (at the time I wasn't too convinced about the need for these psychometric profiling, my track record along with my network of contacts, testimonials - should speaks for itself, so I thought) - and what would usually take four hours to complete, I completed in under two hours, didn't go back and double-check my work, and left (requirement ticked)...
In this post, I share the results of the EQi BarOn Emotional Quotient Inventory report, that I believe was hosted by this company.
I sometimes wonder how the report would have panned out had I went into the session with full body, mind & soul, fully supportive of the psychometrics instead of seeing the testing as somewhat of an HR irritation (I was under a lot of stress at the time, leaving a well-earned dream techie software labs job, having built-up-a-life-and-family-in-UK, I used to be the one that said "I'll never return back to SA" and here I was actually applying for a job in SA!)...
My EQi Development Report (Weighted against South African Profiles)...
Profile Summary
Total EQ: 118
The Total EQ for Muhammad indicates an individual who overall feels good about himself and others and who is leading a successful life. Individuals like Muhammad who are at the upper end of the scale for Total EQ scale are generally optimistic about dealing with problems and have a positive outlook on life. Muhammad successfully controls his emotions and typically is not impulsive. He is probably realistic, assertive, and at least fairly successful in solving problems. He is likely to be optimistic and have a positive outlook on life. Muhammad's Emotional Intelligence will help optimize his achievements and success. A more detailed description of the EQ-i components is given in the next section.
The Overall EQ-i results indicate well-developed Emotional Intelligence. One or two subscales stand out as particularly high relative to the others. These components contribute the most to his Emotional Intelligence.
The highest subscales are Flexibility (127), Independence (120), Empathy (120).
Intrapersonal: 112
This component of the Total EQ-i score pertains to the assessment of the inner self. The subcomponents of the Intrapersonal EQ scale include Self-Regard, Emotional Self-Awareness, Assertiveness, Independence, and Self-Actualization.
Muhammad's intrapersonal score is substantially higher than average. High scores are indicative of an individual who is in touch with his feelings, feels good about himself and about life in general. High scores on the intrapersonal scale are usually obtained by individuals who are independent, strong-minded, and able to express and convey feelings and ideas with confidence.
The responses indicate reasonable self-regard and an adequate degree of self-respect and self-confidence. His ideas and attitudes will be presented with confidence most of the time.
Emotional Self-Awareness: 98
The responses indicate that, at times, Muhammad is in touch with his feelings while at other times he probably grapples with understanding and expressing his feelings. Although emotional self-awareness skill is likely adequate, improvement in this facet of Emotional Intelligence may prove to be beneficial.
Assertiveness: 114
The responses indicate that, most of the time, Muhammad is effectively able to assert his feelings and defend his rights. This individual is rarely self-conscious, and will voice his beliefs and opinions even though he may sometimes find it difficult to do so.
The responses indicate an individual who is independent in his thinking and who also has a strong preference to act independently. This type of person may ask others for advice, but rarely depends upon others to make important decisions on his behalf. This individual likely prefers to be in charge rather than being under the supervision of someone else.
Muhammad is achieving, or coming close to achieving, his full potential in most aspects of his life. This individual is probably deriving a great deal of enjoyment from life and is involved in pursuits that are
meaningful, interesting, and exciting for him. As a result, Muhammad is likely energetic, highly motivated, and successful. Hewill strive to optimize performance.
This component of the Total EQ-i scale taps interpersonal capacity and functioning. The subcomponents of the Interpersonal scale include Empathy, Social Responsibility, and Interpersonal Relationship.
Overall, the Interpersonal scale results indicate social adeptness, the ability to understand others, as well as the ability to interact and relate well with people. Typically, Muhammad is responsible and dependable, and Muhammad functions well in tasks involving making contact with others and teamwork:
Empathy: 120
The responses indicate an individual with a good awareness, understanding,and appreciation of the feelings of others. Muhammad probably will go out of his way to help others, and will try to avoid hurting other people's feelings.
Social Responsibility: 116
The responses pertaining to the Social Responsibility scale indicate an individual who is cooperative and constructive. Muhammad is probably quite responsible and dependable. He will be helpful when interacting with others and will try to contribute to the "community at large" (society, the corporation, team, etc.).
Interpersonal Relationship: 105
The results suggest that Muhammad has above average interpersonal skills. Most relationships for this person are mutually satisfying most of the time, and involve the proper amount of intimacy and the appropriate giving and receiving of affection. Muhammad is able to form agreeable relationships and alliances. This ability supports effective communication and the mutually beneficial exchanges of ideas, feelings, and information.
Stress Management: 114
The Stress Management component of the EQ-i consists of the Stress Tolerance and Impulse Control Subscales.
Both components of this composite scale are above average indicating a calm disposition, lack of impulsivity, and the ability to withstand stress.
Stress Tolerance: 117
The results of the Stress Tolerance scale indicate an enhanced ability to withstand adverse events and stressfulsituations. Muhammad is generally able to cope with stress actively and effectively. This type of person is generally calm and rarely gets over1y anxious or agitated.
Impulse Control: 107
Muhammad's ability to resist or delay impulses, drives, and temptations to act is slightly higher than average. He rarely feels impatient and rarely overreacts or loses control.
Adaptability: 124
This part of the EQ-i is composed of the Reality Testing, Flexibility, and Problem Solving Scales and examines how successful one is in coping with environmental demands based on one's ability to effectively size up and deal with problematic situations.
The results in this area indicate an individual who is very flexible and able to adapt to changing circumstances and situations. He is practical, realistic, and does not over-indulge in fantasy. Muhammad understands problematic situations and can usually come up with effective solutions. Not only is this a valuable personal attribute for home and family life, but those with enhanced adaptability thrive in work settings that require someone who is "down-to-earth," clear thinking, and adapts easily to changing demands and priorities.
Reality Testing: 114
The results for this subscale indicate an individual who is able to evaluate the correspondence between what he experiences (the subjective) and what in reality exists (the objective). Muhammad can be described as realistic, well grounded, and "tuned in" to what's going on around him.
Flexibility: 127
The results indicate enhanced flexibility and an extremely well-developed ability to adjust emotions, thoughts, and behaviour to changing situations and conditions. Muhammad usually finds it fairly easy to learn new things, doesn't become too fixed into routines, and remains open-minded to differing opinions and ways of thinking.
Problem Solving: 114
The responses to the Problem Solving scale reflect an effective approach to resolving problems. Muhammad has a very deliberating style, and is good at defining problems as well as generating and implementing potentially effective solutions. The responses indicate a very methodical individual.
General Mood: 99
The subcomponents of this composite scale consist of the Optimism and Happiness subscales. These components of the EQ-i measure one's general feeling of contentment and overall outlook on life. High scores on these components indicate a positive outlook that can help bolster oneself and those around. Both components of the General Mood scale are about average or higher, and descriptions of these components are given below.
Optimism: 104
The results indicate an above average degree of optimism suggesting an individual who is usually able to look at the brighter side of life and maintain a positive attitude. This characteristic is usually helpful in handling difficult or stressful situations.
Happiness: 97
Muhammad's level of satisfaction and overall attitude is similar to most others in the population. He will adequately help create and/or maintain a positive atmosphere in most interactions.
Interpretation Guide for EQ-i Composite and Content Subscale Scores
The above sections describes the meaning of scores for the Total EQi scale and each of the EQ-i content scales. In general, high results identify areas of relative strength. Results in the midrange on these scales indicate satisfactory functioning and are obtained by the majority of those in the population who have taken the EQ-i. Low results indicate areas that need to be improved in order to increase overall emotional and social intelligence. If all the results are high or all results are low, it is useful to identify the scales with the highest and lowest results; this will help pinpoint areas of relative strength or weakness.
Total EQ: 118
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