Paths to Launch |
Started in 2011 as my outlet to share my experiences on personal life and work topics. My handle is khanmjk. My friends & colleagues call me "Mo". This blog is an experiment, work-in-progress. Life: Self-awareness, personal development, growth hacking (quantified self). Work: Software and Systems Engineering, Leadership, Management, New Ideas and OpEds.
Thursday, 28 October 2021
Simplifying complex projects using visuals
Thursday, 21 October 2021
About me - One slide intro with my new leadership team in Amazon
A #thismightnotwork post
Earlier this year, as part of breaking the ice with the new senior management team, our leader asked each one of us to share a bit of background about ourselves on one slide. Sharing my story here. It was an interesting learning experience as it opens up the team for inclusion & diversity - getting to know more than just the work-side of your colleague. A great way to get to know one another!
P.S. We're always hiring - do get in touch with me if interested!
Tuesday, 17 August 2021
On Cloud Transformation, CTO reflections on scaling tech & people - Part 1 - Intro
In a series of posts this year, I plan to write on how I led a transformation of a technology platform and engineering team - and delivered results in scaling to 10X+ growth on KPIs such as user-and-device growth, user engagement, enhanced personalisation & content discovery, reduced platform instability by increasing availability from 97 to 99%; created a 20X+ reduction in core operating costs (saving R100m+) and simultaneously built a scalable leadership team to take over. All in 3.5 years.
This draws on my professional work experience from March 2017 - October 2020, when I spent my time as CTO (Chief Technology Officer) of an OVP (Online Video Platform) for Africa's largest VE (Video Entertainment) provider. In this short period my team delivered end-to-end transformation (not just software development) that set up the IT/Engineering to scale for future growth. I also left a scalable leadership pipeline in place which allowed me to comfortably transition to my next role outside of video systems by leaving a technology roadmap delivery plan & sustainable processes in place for at least another 2 years. Since my departure, I remain in contact with the team who continue not only to thank me for the roadmap but also for the opportunities I helped create to grow their own careers as leaders, who are themselves on track to become CTOs & CIOs as well.
Sunday, 13 June 2021
Book Review: Leadership BS
Saturday, 20 March 2021
Book Review: To God through money, by Mohamed Geraldez
Goodreads Review
Useful Self Reflection Points for Life/Story Mapping
- According to your parents, what was a particular characteristic you had as a child?
- What did you accomplish as a kid that made you proud of yourself?
- Did your parents' love story have an effect on your upbringing?
- What trait from your childhood has stayed with you until now?
- Do you think your early years had a massive effect on your current relationship with money?
- What events from your youth indicated the type of person you would become?
- Who were the major figures in your child rearing?
- Did you grow up in an environment where you felt like you belonged, or did you feel like an outsider?
- Has any death in your life affected you so much that you made a permanent change?
- What are some of the biggest adjustments your parents had to make because of your birth? If they did not have to, why not?
- Were you a bully or were you bullied as a child? If either, does this still bother you?
- Is there something you regretfully did during your youth that you are embarrassed to think about now?
- Were you exposed to an assortment of cultures growing up?
- Did you yearn to belong to a group or were you content with those around you?
- Did you grow up in a religious home?
- How would you describe yourself in regard to religion? Atheist? Spiritual? Literal? Other?
- What period in your life did you start questioning long-standing beliefs? How do you resolve them?
- Are you still close to your best friend from childhood / high school?
- Is there one person in your life who totally altered your life's trajectory?
- How would you describe your relationship with your parents?
- What is one thing you have done in your entire life that you wish you could take back? How have you dealt with it?
- Are there people other than family members who helped raise you? If possible, give them a call to say, 'Thank You.'
- Have you ever failed in starting a company? What were the lessons you learned?
- Have you ever met a person or people that truly amazed you? What was it about them?
- Have you ever conquered a great fear? What did you learn about yourself in the process?
- Have you ever been culture-shocked? Where did this occur and why?
- What has been the most transformative phase in your life?
- Have you ever had a 'happiest day in my life'? If so, what caused it?
- Have you ever had someone like 'Brother, Sisyer, Father, etc. I never had'? What made that person special to you?
- What is one thing or event that if you did it, your life would be complete? What is preventing you?
- Do you work well under stressful conditions? What helps you?
- What are the different periods in your life that you learned a lot about yourself and the world?
- Is there a dream or something of significance that you passed on in life because of barriers or difficulties?
- Have you ever worked so hard at a job that you became sick? What kept you going?
- What was one of the lowest points in your life? How were you able to bounce back?
- What was the most fulfilling job you have ever had? What did you learn from the experience?
- Have you ever been laid off or fired from your job? How did you deal with it?
- What is the most expensive mistake you have made in your life?
- Have you ever taken a risk, and it paid off? When did it not work out?
- Has there ever been an instance where you went against your gut and regretted it? What about a time that you went with it and worked out?
- Have you ever had mentors in your life? What did they assist you with?
- Why is your best friend, your best friend?
- Do you have any personal finance rules you live by? What are they?
- From the list of The Top Five Regrets of the Dying, which one(s) resonates with you the most? Why?
- What are your "happy moments" in life?
- Have you ever given any though about your legacy? If so, what you you want it to say about you?
- What is your Happy Money monthly amount?
- Has there ever been a time when you refused someone's advice, but later acted upon it? What changed your mind?
- What helps you in making important decisions?
- What habits or practices do you have for continuous self-improvement?
- What events or decisions were not in your favour, but with time, you were actually glad they were not? Why?
- When you think about the fisherman and the banker story, what things come to your mind about your own life?
- What blameworthy personality traits do you have that you would like to rid yourself of?
- Is there a particular friendship you no longer have, but wish it would return? What is holding you back?
- What is your love language? If you are still blessed with one or both of them, what are your parents' love languages?
- Who has had the greatest impact on your life?
- Have you ever felt that pursuing success in this world meant jeopardising your success in the next world? If so, why?
- Was it ever in your spiritual practice to think about your death? If not, do you think you will now incorporate it?
- What spiritual program do you have in place to reconnect with your Lord and regain perspective in life?
- What charity is dear to your heart? When was the last time you donated to it?
- Are you debt-free? If not, is it your top financial goal?